
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 11: My Nest Is Best

"My Nest is Best " 9x12 - Oil on Canvas
"Mi Nido es el Mejor " - 23 x 30 cm - Oleo sobre Lienzo

Today I decided to take a day off since I do have one up my sleeve (or 2:) and I had no energy left by the time I actually had time to paint!! Last week I think it was (it is all becoming quite blurry!)  I finished an unfinished piece which hasn't been posted yet. Finishing works for me is as important as doing one as I have a big pile of them and I need to either finish them or get rid of them! Maybe I can have a Fall Bonfire to cleanse all those pieces that will never amount to anything clinging on to me! I will go into the studio though and clean as last night as I was trying to finish things got pretty messed up and the studio got soooo much smaller!
These birdhouses were in a beautiful property in Sooke (about 30k from Victoria). In the Spring a few of us were going to paint en-plein air to a different spot every Thursday. This was from one of those outings! Hope you enjoy it!


Hoy decidí tomarme el día ya que tengo una guardada (o 2:) y no tenía ya energías cuando me quedó tiempo para pintar después de un día muy ocupado. La semana pasada creo que fue, (se está poniendo todo medio borroso!)  había terminado un cuadro  que lo les he mostrado todavía. Terminar algunos trabajos  es para mí tan importante como hacer una nueva todos los días. Tengo una pila grande que tengo que terminar o tirarlas. Tal vez haga una fogata que va a servir para limpiar un poco todos esos cuadors empezados que nunca van a llegar a nada y los sigo arrastrando!
Estas casitas de pájaros están en una propiedad en Sooke (que esta a 30km de Victoria). Esta primavera pasada un grupo íbamos todos los jueves a pintar "en-Plein Air" (afuera) a distintos lugares. Este cuadrito salió de uno de esos días! Espero que les guste.

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