
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Settled In

"Settled In" - Ink on Watercolour Paper mounted on Cradled Panel
"Asentada" - Tinta sobre papel montada sobe madera

I haven't shared a zentangle for a while now and here goes  one I did a few weeks ago. I am trying something different, I did them on paper (as always) but this time I am mounting it on a wooden cradled panel so it can be hung. I'll show you the finished product next time (if it works :)
Settled in is a reflection on being more settled in in our home and a new life in a different part of town. I am trying to connect with people in this area and form a new network of people (not to abandon my old network!!)  There is growth (like new flower beds in my garden!) and it is for sure starting to feel like home. I am slowly pulling out Christmas decorations, waiting for my daughter Camila to get home in a cuple of weeks to do a whole bunch of homey activities with her!

Have a good rest of the week!

Thank you!

El Secreto: Sigan Adelante


Hace bastante que no les muestro un zentangle y aca va uno que hice hace un par de semanas. Estoy probando algo difernet, lo hice sobre papel, como siempre pero esta vez lo he montado sobre paneles d emadera para poder colgarlos. Les muestro en alguno de los proximos posts  como queda (si queda bien!!)
"Asentada" es una reflexión sobre el estar ya mas asentados en nuetsro nuevo hogar y la vida nueva en una parte diferente de la ciudad. Hay crecimiento  (como nuevos canteros en mi patio) y ya nos estamos sientiendo mas en "casa". Estoy tratando de conectarme con gente en esta zona y armar una red de amistades (sin olvidarme de las amistades antiguas!!) De a poco estoy sacando las decoraciones de Navidad, estoyesperando a que mi hija vuelva de Vancouver para hacer con ella un montón de actividades navideñas!

Que tengan un buen resto de la semana!


  1. HI Marcela, I like the turning, twisting momentum of your zentangle. I, too, have recently moved and am making the effort to meet people. Like you, I'm not giving up my old friends, just connecting with where I am.
    Thanks for an interesting post. Trisha

    1. Thank you Trisha! Transitions are interesting, we were in our old house for 12 years so I did have a huge network closeby. We only moved across town though and that network is still very available bu not as convenient unfortunately. I like change, it's invigorating. Plus, I have a beautiful studio where I spend most of my time!
      Did you move to a new part of town or a bigger move than that?


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