
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Daisy Days

"Daisy Days" - 6x6 - Oil on Canvas
"Días de Margaritas" 15x15cm - Oleo

Bid on this painting on  Daily Paintworks

I was going through some files and found this painting I had never posted, I painted it a couple of years ago and I really like the composition and colour scheme. It is nice  to see how one evolves and changes. I had cut some daisies from my garden and just set them up in a clear vase to paint them. Daisies always always remind me of my grandmother's house, "Nona" used to have them in her back yard, she could make anything grow and loved her plants. I need to plant some in the backyard of my new house and paint them again!
This painting is available on Daily Paintworks, an online gallery where I have some artwork for sale.
Thank you for stopping by!

"To be simple is no small matter." - (Gustave Flaubert


Estaba buscando en unos archivos y encontré este cuadro que no había publicado nunca acá. Lo pinté hace un par de años y me gusta la composición y los colores. Es bueno ver cómo uno evoluciona y cambia. Había cortado estas margaritas de mi jardín y las había puesto en un florero transparente para pintarlas. Las margaritas siempre me hacen acordar a mi abuela, "Nona" las tenía en su patio, ella podía hacía crecer cualquier cosa y amaba sus plantas. Tengo que plantar margaritas en mi nuevo jardín y las tengo que pintar de nuevo!
Este cuadro está disponible por medio de Daily Paintworks, una galería en internet  donde ofrezco algunas piezas a la venta.
Gracias por pasar a vistarme acá,


  1. Daisy Days - Keeping things simple in painting such as the subject, the tints, shadings and shadows marks the artist as someone to watch. I have bookmarked your site and look forward to seeing more. Kudos.

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth! It is hard not to get caught up in the details isn't it? That's why I still like this painting, I think managed to keep things simple. Looking forward to your visits Elizabeth! : )

  2. Love the shadows, and the composition :)

    1. Eventhough I paintd this one quite a few years ago, I still like the compositions and shadows as well Sheila, thank you for stopping by and commenting!


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