
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

30 Paintings in 30 Days - Sep 2014

I am SO glad  I did the challenge again this September. Some days were a real challenge to get to it but it always amazes me what happens when I actually commit to it: It becomes a priority and I do it no matter what else is going on in my life. I missed some days but then I doubled up on some others and I did it! I am very pleased with quite a few of them, not all of them are keepers but I learnt something from every single day regardless of the outcome.

Positive things from the challenge:
- I am coming to understand more about my process and why some paintings work  better than others.
- I got more familiar with oils and how they work.
- I am working on finding my voice in painting and I believe this "bootcamp" month is amazing for developing my skills.
- I have produced a body of paintings that I will be able to use in various shows and events in the next couple of months.
- I have found a couple of different themes that I would like to explore more. 
- I have discovered  a few artists that I am following now through blogs or Facebook that are daily inspiration.
- I have met some wonderful artists in different parts of the world who have been very supportive thorough the month. There is an amazing global art community out there.

This time around it was only 2 artists from Victoria that actually did the challenge. Several people have mentioned how nice it would be to see them all together so June Haynes and I have decided to host an OPEN HOUSE at my place on Oct 11 from 2 to 4pm. We will have most of the pieces that we produced during this month.   Mark your calendars and stop by for some tea if you are in the area. Just a couple of hours in the afternoon to visit with friends and chat about art.It would be wonderful to see you! More details to come.

Thank you Leslie Saeta for organizing this challenge again!  Stop by her blog and see some other artists work, over 1000 artists participated this Fall. Until January when we do it all over again right?

And finally thank you all for stopping by, reading the blog and being so supportive. Your comments and feedback here, in person and/or my Facebook Page  have been wonderful and encouraging. 


Estoy TAN contenta de haber echo el desafío  de nuevo este Sepetiembre. Algunos días fueron un desafío real,  el simple echo de poder pintar,  pero siempre me maravilla lo que pasa cuando me comprometo a hacerlo: Se transforma en prioridad y y lo hago a pesar de todo lo otro que este pasando en mi vida. Algunos días no pude pintar y otros días tuve que hacer 2 pero al final lo hice! Estoy muy contenta con bastantes de ellas, hay algunas otras que  serán descartadas o retocadas pero aprendí algo de cada día a pesar de los resultados, buenos o malos.

Algunas cosas positivas de este mes:
- Estoy entendiendo mejor cual es mi proceso y por qué algunas pinturas salen mejor que otras.

- Me familiaricé más con los óleos y cómo funcionan.
- Estoy tratando de encontrar mi voz en la pintura y este mes intenso es excelente para desarrollar mis habilidades.
- He encontrado un par de temas que quiero explorar mas. 

- He descubierto artistas que ahora estoy siguiendo por medio de blogs o Facebook que son inspiración diaria. 
- He conocido artistas en distintas partes del mundo que  que me han dado mucho apoyo este mes. Hay una gran comunidad global de artistas.

Esta vez  fuimos solamente 2 artistas que participamos en este evento. Varias personas han comentado que qué bueno sería poder ver las 30 piezas juntas asi que June Haynes
y yo hemos decidido tener una CASA ABIERTA el 11 de Octubre de 2 a 4 pm en mi casa. Simplemente un par de horas para visitarnos y charlar. Marquen los calendarios entonces y pasen a tomar un te si están cerca. 
Gracias Leslie Saeta por haber organizado este evento de nuevo!  Paren en su blog para ver los trabajos de ella y de los otros artistas que participaron.  Hasta Enero cuando lo hacemos de nuevo no?

Finalmente gracias a todos los que leyeron el blog y me han dado tanto apoyo este mes. Sus comentarios acá, en persona o en mi Página de Facebook  han sido muy alentadores y gratificantes.  



  1. Nice paintings. I enjoyed seeing Italy through your work and liked your comments about the challenge.

    1. Thank you Sandra! It was a bit like being there all over again. :) I always enjoy seeing your posts coming into my Feedly. Thank you for sharing your art with us.

  2. What a wonderful idea, to have an open house. Congratulations on completing the challenge. Your work is amazing Marcela!

    1. Thanks Sheila, Several people asked to see the paintings all together in real life when we finished the previous challenges and this time, instead of looking for a venue and all that I said why not have something informal at home? A visit with friends and art rather than an exhibition. Now I have to go finish them all and get them ready for showing!


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